Monday, February 23, 2009

Juggernaut of Judge-Err-Knot

I was en-route my Office, hurriedly I picked up my things and started running, there were obstacles… traffic-jam was longer than usual; passing it, I realized oh! I forgot to lock the door!! Ignoring it I went ahead and discovered I’m in pajamas!! Ignoring that too I ran faster, I was able to see office building, and it was 13 past 9 of the AM, 10 more steps and I could have swiped my card I put my hand in front pocket of my bag!!!...and that’s it!!

I forgot my ID card!!! I ran towards security gate to register my attendance and there was a queue, 14 past 9!!! 6...5…4...3...2...1…0.trinnnnnnn!!! Cacophonic hooter rang and I got up in aghast, I was sweating as if I have run 10s of miles, I turned-off the alarm, it was 6:30 AM, yes!!It was a nightmare!!

Thank fully I was able to make it on time, there was a long queue In cafeteria, I silently stood behind some other Tea-aspirants, long queue reminded me about my nightmare, my ears couldn’t stop overhearing ,there were opinions, For and Against, Debates and Arguments, Calm and Outrageous , and there were concerns for oneself and organization , and there was consensus, when it came to discuss about organization, all had one voice, all were truly concerned about making Organization a better place to work, Profitable and The #1 , ‘Means’ were different ‘End’ was the same.

I realized time has changed, we’ve started discussing ( add more sophistication), instead of accepting and following, and we’ve started Judging, we’re judging day and night, ourselves and others,

We’re judging politics and business, TV shows!! (Most of the time) all have become experts, be it singing, dancing or comedy show, we’re judging, one poor participant faces two billion eyes and 100 billion expert comments , Juggernaut of opinions walks over his/her attempts and trample originality in order to level them with Judge’s prejudice, aren’t we cruel sometimes? A wrong judgment and some body’s career on stake! We Judge! We Err!! We Knot!!! Judge(v)-Err(v)-Knot(v)!!! Juggernaut of high expectations creating Judge-Err-Knot!

There’s a bit of Javed Akhtar in every soul, it makes us feel intellectual, we broaden our eye pupils, we lean and make all possible postures to Judge, to look expert, to decide, and then we send SMS and smile …what an idea sirJi!!!

So is that wrong being Javed-istic?? Isn’t that real democracy...? And there are opinions-For and Against, Debates and Arguments, Calm and Outrageous…but this time ‘no consensus’ because this time it’s ‘ME’ who’d be proven wrong if I accept and “I can never be wrong! I’m expert that’s why I Judge!!And I Judge The Best!!I’m not who Judge-Err-Knot!!!”

This is the Third time Boy asked me: What sir?? And person behind me nudged me, I asked for Tea, and went un-judged to my place, crossing queue of Judges they were happy and confident about not Judge-Err-knot(ing):

I also make postures and try to judge,

Decide to be ‘rational’ and to negate Grudge,

I return unnoticed, Dawdled and distraught,

And think, am I the Victim of Judge-err-knot?


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